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Our company

SILROC CZ, a.s. are a Czech joint-stock manufacturing company, the current form of which was founded in 2003. At present, they have 110 employees and are located in the north of the Czech Republic. They  manufactures parts and components from liquid silicone rubber (LSR) on injection molding machines for use in various fields. Made-to-order silicone products are manufactured for a wide number of large and small enterprises in the Czech Republic and abroad. The majority of exports are sent to the EU, but products are also supplied to Thailand, China, and the USA.


Our owners and company management believe that a business should be based on moral principles. Responsible behavior is not only necessary in the field of business decisions and strategies, but also in terms of values and relationships.

We believe that fair treatment toward our employees, suppliers, clients, the public, and the environment has strengthened our company. Over the years, we have built good business relationships in many countries and various fields of business.


The roots of our company can be traced back to Germany in the early 1980s, where they first began manufacturing silicone rubber parts. Production was then moved to the Czech Republic in 1992.  



Our employees are very important to us. We pay fair wages and offer a friendly working environment.



We support:

projekt_sance liga azyl_pes


pet_heros hospic fond_

Silroc +420 483 346 100